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My own Yorky

31 March, 2011

Scuba Diving... It's AWESOME!!

                Hey bloggers! This is your friendly neighborhood N.A.B.B tuning in! Recently, I was submerged (quite literally!) into a new world that I never had the chance to explore before. These past few weeks, my brother and I have been working hard in order to be accepted in the incredible world of scuba diving! Without a doubt, these times have been among the most enjoyable of my life, mainly due to this new experience that I have had the wonderful opportunity to explore. However, very surprisingly, I have had to study very hard in order to pass the tests imposed by PADI (the world’s recreational diving association) to be accepted in their prestigious organization.
                During my carnival holidays, I went to the beach, where I first had contact with the amazing world (and heavy gear!) of scuba diving. I immediately fell in love with the activity, and wished to become a certified diver. Once the holidays were over, I enrolled myself in a PADI certified course, so that I could have my license in no time. When I first went to class, I thought I only had to learn how to use the gear and I was free to go and scuba dive at my will. How wrong I was! Not only did I have to learn about the gear, but also just about everything that happens underwater. This includes the way water affects color, sound, floatability, and our own human body. Furthermore, I had to study for what seemed hours on end in order to pass a few quizzes imposed by the instructor. It has been very hard work.
                However until now, it has been worth every penny! Last week I went scuba diving for the first time, and it was an experience I will remember throughout my life! I consider myself a very fortunate individual to have the privilege of being a qualified diver.
                Thanks for tuning in on N.A.B.B, I’ll keep in touch!

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